Our Quality Commitment
In keeping with our desire to produce the finest quality gourmet coffee while at the same time minimizing the environmental impact on the land, we utilize advanced technology to prepare the beans for their ultimate destination. The coffee cherry is sent through a low-water pulping process and a specialized drying facility. The resulting parchment/green bean coffee is placed in climate-controlled storage. This ecological wet mill processing significantly reduces pollution due to pulp and waste water runoff, and greatly reduces water usage. Compared with the typical hydro-pulped and fermented coffees, there is no detrimental effect on the the coffee cupping quality with the added benefits from process improvement using technology.

Once the coffee is roasted, it is immediately packaged to protect it from oxygen, water and sunlight, all of which can alter the taste. We then send the bags to you for delivery within 2 to 3 days to ensure the maximum possible freshness once reaching your doorstep.